IFS _ L2 - IFIO on Couples and Relationships
IFS Training
Two 5day Retreat
Official L2 Training (#707) Intimacy from the Inside Out
Portugal, Lisbon.
Week 1: 25-29 April 2022
week 2: 26-30 Sept 2022
This Level 2 course consist of two separate 5 Day Sessions, offering a total of 72 program hours. Participants must complete 62 hours in addition to participating in practice groups to receive a certificate of completion. A maximum of 32 participants per training.
Using lecture, experience, and video demonstration, this introductory workshop will include a brief overview of Internal Family Systems and a deeper exploration of how Intimacy from the Inside Out can be an effective tool for helping couples and individuals with relationship issues.
Course Description
The basic couples course is an experiential model of couples therapy that draws primarily from the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model of psychotherapy, but includes aspects of psychodynamic therapy, systems thinking, neuroscience and mindfulness practices.
This model was born out of a desire to carry the concepts of IFS into a relational setting and to use the intimate relationship itself as a vehicle for growth and healing of the individual, as well as the couple. This 72-hour clinical training helps therapists enhance their knowledge and skills, facilitating relational work with couples and with individuals.
Learn to work successfully with common difficulties in couples therapy. In this training, IFS therapists become skilled at working with the extreme impulses of protective parts, facilitating interpersonal and intrapsychic work, and assisting couples to communicate well and deepen heartfelt connection.
Instructional Methodology
Lecture, demonstration, audio/visual, experiential practice of techniques, large and small group discussion.