IFS Official Training
14 days

In this official  (#1039)  L1-3 Online  IFS  training, you complete Level 1 on the following dates:

S1 Online - October 14th-16th and 18th-20th ( 6 days)

Bridge Days - 7th-8th Nov (noon to 5 PM Portugal Time)

S2 Online - November 18th-20th and 22th-24th  (6 days) 

This training will be Online, held in English, through IFS Portugal, with Co-Lead Trainer Alexia Rothman and Carolina Abreu. 

Starting Times

Noon (12) Portugal Time

Ending Times:

8 pm Portugal Time


Each day will be 6,5 hours of learning, plus the breaks.

2 Sessions, plus Bridge Days,  offering a total of 89,5 program hours.    
Participants must complete 72 hours to receive a certificate of completion.     
A maximum of 36 participants.

Internal Family Systems is at the forefront of a movement toward a more collaborative therapeutic approach that relies on clients’ intuitive wisdom. IFS offers a clear, non-pathologizing, and empowering view of human cognitive and emotional life and provides a dynamic therapeutic approach that allows both therapist and client to enter into a transformational relationship in which healing can occur.        

The training will be assisted by 2 Co-lead Trainers,  1 Lead PA,  and 12 Programme Assistants (PAs), who have completed at least IFS L2 training, in the ratio of 1:3 participants.

Dr. Alexia Rothman is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Atlanta, GA, since 2004.  She is a Certified Internal Family Systems therapist, a Co-lead Trainer for the IFS Institute, an international speaker and educator on the IFS model, and a professional consultant for clinicians seeking to deepen their knowledge and practice of IFS through theoretical discussions, case consultation, technique practice, and deep, personal experiential work with their own internal systems. 
Dr. Rothman has received extensive training in the IFS model, primarily from IFS developer, Dr. Richard Schwartz.  She has served  on staff for multiple Level 1, 2, and 3 experiential IFS trainings, and she offers workshops on the IFS model throughout the United States and abroad. Dr. Rothman is a United States Presidential Scholar who graduated summa cum laude from Emory University as a Robert W. Woodruff Scholar.  She received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), where she was an Edwin W. Pauley Fellow and a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow.  She has held adjunct faculty positions at Emory University and Agnes Scott College.

Carolina Abreu, MA, is a licensed Clinical Psychologist since 2004 and a certified Psychotherapist. She is an Internal Family Systems therapist and trainer. She works in private practice, providing consultation, supervision, and IFS-based therapy for individuals from all around the world. She has collaborated in multiple IFS workshops, especially within the Portuguese IFS community and the Portuguese Society of Constructive Psychotherapies (SPPC). She assisted in multiple IFS International Trainings and was fortunate to work with and learn from IFS major references. She loves being a part of and helping to create, support, and expand IFS collective spaces, and communities and is strongly committed to helping more people access, embody, and benefit from this model. She lives in Madeira Island, Portugal, where she was born and raised.




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Tuition | registration

This Training can be attended by undergraduate students, graduate and registered mental health professionals. 

Portugal and Brazil Residents2300 €   

Registrations contact:  

Payment plans:  construtivistas@sppc.org.pt

When you register, you do it for the complete Level 1 Official training.  
This training will be the 9th edition for a Level 1 in Portugal.

Please note that you need to attend all training days in order to complete Level 1 training.  

Cancelation and Refund Policy

Withdrawal/ Refund Policy: Participants who wish to withdraw from the training program must do so in writing.  

Deposit: The deposit is 50% refundable if written notice of withdrawal is received 45 or more days before the 1st day of the program.   

The deposit is 100% transferable to another training Level 1, 2, or 3 IFS Portugal training program,  if written notice of withdrawal is received 44-21 days before the 1st day of the program. A transferred deposit must be used within 18 months of withdrawal date, or else it is forfeited; a transferred deposit may only be used by the participant who is withdrawing. The deposit is forfeited if written notice of withdrawal is received  20 or fewer days before the 1st day of the program, or if withdrawal occurs after the program begins.  

Tuition Balance: The tuition balance (total tuition less Deposit) is refundable if written notice of withdrawal is received by 21 or more days before the 1st day of the program. The tuition balance is forfeited if written notice of withdrawal is received 20 or fewer days before the 1st day of the program, or if withdrawal occurs after the program begins.

O que é IFS

A terapia IFS é uma das modalidades em crescimento mais rápido em todo o mundo. 

Quando aplicada  corretamente, pode ajudar os clientes a conseguir avanços que nunca imaginamos possíveis. Ao participar neste treino pode aperfeiçoar as suas competências e descobrir como ajudar os seus clientes a ligarem-se às suas diferentes partes, às suas experiências mais dificeis,  e assim curar traumas profundos.




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