Emotion-Focused Family Therapy
3-day Workshop
12-14 May 2017
A EFFT é um modelo de tratamento desenvolvido para pacientes com perturbações alimentares e seus familiares, e baseada nas técnicas e principios da Terapia Focada as Emoções, na Terapia Comportamental Familiar, na terapia de denvolvimento motivacional, e na abordagem Maudsley para as competências familiares. Tem sido adaptada para um conjunto de areas na saude mental como ansiedade, depressão, perturbações adaptativas, e dificuldades relacionais pais-filhos.
Parte da EFT com Familias fundamenta-se numa profunda e inabalável crença no poder curativo das familias. A essência da EFFT é possibilitar aos cuidadores um papel significativo na saúde mental e no bem estar dos seus familiares. O papel do terapeuta será então capacitar e apoiar os cuidadores no dominio das competências, das tarefas, e claro nos sentimentos envolvidos em quatro areas:
Tornar-se no coach de recuperação dos familiares, ajudando-os na interrupção de sintomas e comportamentos desadequados (ansiedade, depressão, disturbios alimentares, etc.); tornar-se o coach emocional dos familiares, ajudando-os a abordar, processar e gerir o stresse, emoções e dor emocional, reduzindo os sintomas; facilitar a reparação relacional e curar possiveis feridas do passado das crianças ou familia de forma a permitir o alivio de antigos traumas, e facilitar e resolver os receios e obstaculos que surgem ao cuidador durante esta nova e desafiante caminhada.
Part of the Emotion-Focused Therapy "family" and rooted in a deep and unwavering belief in the healing power of families, the essence of EFFT is to afford caregivers a significant role in their loved one’s mental health and well-being.
This training is suited for newcomers to EFFT as well as those with prior training and experience. The foundation and basics will be covered. The training model is then designed to introduce beginners to the approach and give them a working experiential knowledge of the model. And for those with previous experience, they will have the opportunity to grow their expertise, increase and deepen their experiential practice, and further expand their skills set. The training will thus be highly focused on practice change at various levels of experience and will include new as well as expanded and deepened experiential exercises.
Parents and caregivers can learn these skills and take on these roles regardless of their child’s level of motivation or involvement in formal treatment. EFFT is a lifespan approach that can be delivered with individuals only, parents and caregivers only, and with families. Click hereto read an article covering EFFT for families of children with mental health difficulties.
This training is suited for newcomers to EFFT as well as those with prior training and experience. The foundation and basics will be covered. The training model is then designed to introduce beginners to the approach and give them a working experiential knowledge of the model. And for those with previous experience, they will have the opportunity to grow their expertise, increase and deepen their experiential practice, and further expand their skills set. The training will thus be highly focused on practice change at various levels of experience and will include new as well as expanded and deepened experiential exercises.

Dr. Joanne Dolhanty, PhD, C. Psych, is a supervising and consulting clinical psychologist and trainer for mental health organizations across Canada and internationally. With Dr. Leslie Greenberg she developed the application of Emotion-Focused Therapy to Eating Disorders, and is the co-developer of Emotion-Focused Family Therapy. Her focus is on building capacity and expertise in communities of clinicians. Dr. Dolhanty is known for her lively, warm, and engaging teaching style; for making complex concepts accessible to learning; and for delivering training that facilitates both practice change and personal growth.
Venue | Local e acessos
Hotel Príncipe - Av Duque Dávila , 201
Estação Metro S.Sebastião - Lisboa
Linhas: Azul e VermelhaEstacionamento - Parquímetro e Garagem Hotel (8€/dia)
Timetable | Programa
Friday 12th May 9.30AM to 5.30PM
Saturday 13th May 9.30AM to 5.30PM
Sunday 14th May 9.30AM to 4.00PM
Enrolment | inscrições
Participants other countries
This Meeting can be attended by graduate and undergraduate students
- Until 28 April:210€
- On site, applicable until 12 May:240€
SWIFT:PT50 0010 0000 3637 6870 0019 8
Participantes Portugal
Podem candidatar-se psicólogos 300ECTS, psiquiatras e estudantes finalistas. Enviar CV ou nº inscrição OPP/OMP
- Não Associados: 240€
- Não Associados Até 28 Abril:210€
- Associados SPPC: 220€
- Associados até 28 Abril:200€
- Associados na Especialização: 210€
- Estudantes: 220€
- Estudantes até 28Abril:210€
Comprovativo propina para construtivistas@sppc.org.pt
- T:+351 213851327 +351 965522423
- Pagamentos- IBAN:PT 50 0010 0000 36376870001 98.
Notificar movimento bancário: construtivistas@sppc.org.pt
Participants | Inscritos
Andreia Pacheco
Ana C Cunha
Carolina Abreu
Carla Branco
Carolina Faria
Carolina Chaves
Carlota Sanz
Catarina Pires
Cláudia Correia
Isabel Ferreira
João Leal
Luisa Rosas Martins
Marta Moreno
Margarida Marques
Pedro Viegas
Rita Alves
Reinaldo Diniz
Sara Silva
Sara Costa
Sandra Guerreiro
Silvia Campos
Sofia Tavares
Susana Ramalho
Vera Barroso
Yuri Romero
Coffee Break
Coffee Break manhãs 11:30am:
Café Expresso
Seleção Chás e Infusões
Leite com Chocolate
Bolachas e miniaturas
Mini Sanduíches
Pastéis Nata
Serão emitidos certificados de treino e formação em EFT correspondente às horas presenciadas
Comissão Científica e Organizadora
- Aníbal Henriques
- Alexandra Marques Pinto
- Rabo de Pexe - Av Duque D'Avila 42
- Italy - Av Duque D'Avila 26-B
- Sushi Aron | Marq Sá da Bandeira 14
- Colina | Filipe Folque 46
- Groundburger | A. Augusto Aguiar 148
- Piccolo Napoli | A. Augusto Aguiar 150
- Starbucks ECI A. Augusto Aguiar 31
- Magnetic - Conde de Valbom 18
- Finestra Pizzeria | Conde Valbom 52
- O Talho - R. Carlos Testa 1B
Local suggestions
- Jardins e Museus Calouste Gulbenkian
- Jardins do Alto do Parque Eduardo VII
- Percursos nos Jardins FCG
Staying |Alojamento
Hotel Príncipe Av Duque Dávila , 201 - Metro S.Sebastião - Lisboa Hotel Reno Av. Duque de Ávila 195-197, 1050-082 Lisboa
Official Language
The workshop will be lectured in english. Some groups will exercise in portuguese and english