Part 1 - Why EFT for Complex Trauma?    02:18
Part 2 - What are EFTT Distinctive Features?    
Part 3 - What is Trauma and Complex Trauma?    
Part 4 - Why re-experiencing Trauma?    
Part 5 - Why is emotion so important?   
Part 6 - How emotion and experiencing interact?   
Part 7 - Does trauma has a Resolution?    

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In may 2015 Professor Sandra Paivio visited us in Lisbon for a 2-day workshop on EFT for complex trauma. A couple of days after presentation an interview took place. It was tuesday 26th, a sunny morning, and Sandra answered the following questions on EFTT:

Why EFT for Complex Trauma?  
What are EFTT Distinctive Features? 
What is Trauma and Complex Trauma? 
Why re-experiencing Trauma?  
Why is emotion so important?  
How emotion and experiencing interact?  
Does trauma has a Resolution?

Transcrição disponivel em PDF na Loja Online
Segmentos  video disponíveis em Julho 2015

Sandra Paivio, PhD., C. Psych, is a Professor in the Psychology Department, Director of the Psychotherapy Research Centre at the University of Windsor, and has 20+ years of clinical experience. She is one of the developers of emotion-focused therapy, particularly applied to complex trauma (EFTT), and has conducted clinical trials evaluating the efficacy of and processes of change in EFTT. She is author of numerous publications on trauma and psychotherapy, including co-author (with Leslie Greenberg) of “Working with Emotions in Psychotherapy”, author (with Antonio Pascual-Leone) of “Emotion-focused Therapy for Complex Trauma”, and author (with Lynne Angus) of a forthcoming book on “Narrative Processes in Emotion-focused Therapy for Trauma”. Dr Paivio has presented numerous workshops nationally and internationally and provided intensive graduate student and professional training in EFT and EFT specifically for trauma. She also is an invited member of the American Psychological Association (Division 56) working group developing best practice guidelines for complex trauma.

Vídeos 50-minutos

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